Sunday, June 27, 2010

Grand Palace

Wow, how time has flown has already been one whole week and yet it seemed like we've just got here.

This past Wednesday a group of us went to the Grand Palace in downtown Bangkok. We first toke taxi's to the river and from there we rode the river boat to downtown. After the boat ride we walked a short distance to the Grand Palace. To get inside the Palace everyone had to wear short or long sleeves and pants or a skirt for the girls. Foreigners had to pay 350 baht (which is around $12 dollars) to get in...Thai's got in for free. Inside the walls of the Grand Palace lies temples and of course the grand palace. It was quite a sight from looks so beautiful and you're just in awe at the sight of it. As you get closer though you see that it's just material looks so grand from the outside, but on the inside there's nothing...nothing lasting. It's just metal and plastic that people have made and create. There were a lot of Thai's who came there to worship and make merits.

Grace, Me, Katie, Sharon, and in the middle is Ed outside the palace
This is what greeted us when we got inside the grand palace

This was inside of a temple. They had a sign that you can't bring cameras or camcorders inside so I toke this one from the doorway. The idols in the middle is pure gold!
This was inside another temple. In the middle is the seat where the king sits. Behind the seat there's a boat shape looking structure. I'm not sure what it is, but both pieces are made out of pure gold.

This is the grand palace where the king resides.

This is Randy.

While we were getting ready to leave the palace a Cambodian monk who was walking by came to talk to us. I believe he said his name was Randy and he has been a monk for 10 years. He's in Thailand for 2 years and is going back to Cambodia afterwards. He said he was staying in Chiang Mai and told us that if we want to know more about Buddhism and it's practice to go to this certain temple where he would be staying at. You could tell that he knew his stuff...he started to tell us about his religion and did not hesitate at all. I was blown away because one of the lady with us (Amy) asked if he knew Jesus and Randy was like "Yes, I do...I like that guy." She proceed to ask, "So what do you like about Jesus?" Randy replied that he liked what Jesus taught..of having peace and joy and being a good guy and all. He said that a lot of missionaries had come to talk to him over the years and he even has the Holy Bible in his room. Randy knew his stuff and wasn't afraid to share his religion. It made me realize how lost Thailand was and that they really do need Jesus. I also came to realize that just as Randy I need to study and really know other religions. I need to do my homework and see what others believe. Just as Randy is ready to share his religion to people walking by...I need to be able to strong and courageous and share my faith with people I meet.

Please pray for Randy. Pray that the Word would break through to his heart and that he'll find Jesus. Pray for missionaries to continue to seek him out and plant seeds in him. Pray that the seeds would take root and God would water and nurture him.

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