Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sa Wat Dii Kha!

Praise the Lord! We finally made it here. The plane ride from LAX to Taipei was super long. 14 hours of just sitting was very painful and uncomfortable. The plane ride from Taipei to Bangkok wasn't as bad. I could do without airplanes for a while though.

So anyhow, we're here in Bangkok! Yes! I have to say the weather here isn't as bad as everyone said it'll be (well, I've only been here a couple of days so my opinion might change). The weather reminds me of Florida's weather. It's hot and really humid.

We're currently staying at the OMF mission house in Bangkok. We're staying here until Wednesday then we're headed northeast of Bangkok to OMF's annual conference for their missionaries. A lot of the short term mission teams/individuals are helping out during the conference with the missionary kids. The director in charge said there are about 100 children this year. We're going to be split up into different groups and be planning activities for the missionary kids. The conference is going to be from June 24-27.

Please pray for us as we prepare for this conference. Pray for discernment and a servants heart. Pray that we'll be able to connect and help the missionary kids on a personal level.

Take Care,

Nuche Vang

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