Sunday, July 25, 2010

so far so good

Pattaya city is known for being the sin city of Thailand. All the bad stuff you imagine would probably all be here. Don't worry we didn't stay in Pattaya city, but we did get to see a glimpse of it. One street we drove passed was filled with bars all right next to each other.

We went to an island off of Pattaya city. The island and its beaches were beautiful. How could anyone think that God didn't create this?

We started to go teach English to another poor area near us. It's amazing how God is opening doors of opportunity to share his love. God has been teaching all of our team members through these ministries. One thing God has shown me is to really love these children as much as he does.

W0rld Vision held a Music Day for the slum area. Our team had to dance and sing a song. We danced to 'Making Melodies in my Heart' and sang 'God of this City'.

These girls came to help us out with the World Vision Event. We're so thankful they came to help because we couldn't have done it without them.
Sa Wat Dii Kha!!

My Tuesday and Thursday students who I teach English to. I'm so thankful that I got the chance to meet these wonderful girls. Anne the middle one on the 2nd row invited her friends to come to church. She's an amazing person. When was the last time I invited all my non-Christian friends to church?!

After English class we all got on one Bok Bok and came to eat dinner together.
All 12 of us squeezed in one Bok Bok going to and back from dinner.

On Saturdays from 2 to 4 pm Katie and Erik teaches Guitar and Piano lessons to who ever wants to learn. Katie and Erik are doing an amazing job teaching music to these children.

Saturday morning school for the poor children has been going well. It's a bit frustrating because they don't do well with instruction and listening. On one Saturday we tried to play crab leg race with them and didn't turn out as we expected. They started to go and kick each other. :(

We got the chance get out of Bangkok and go to Lopburi. It toke us 2 and a half hours to get there by train. The train was free for the Thai's. Us foreigners had to pay 22 baht per person. 22 baht is less than 1 US dollar, so it was still pretty cheap.

This kind and loving lady is the lady of the house who hosted us. They don't have much, but they give everything they have to glorify God and use it in their ministry. They are an amazing family who serves the Lord whole hearty...not asking anything in return.

The host family had a Song Thao so he toke all of us around the country side for free. :)

We got the chance to go to see the rural poor area. All the houses on that road was one room made out of sheets of metal. It was such a sad sight to see.

The countryside of Lopburi. Open areas, clear skies, and fresh air!

We got the chance to check out the monkey temple in downtown Lopburi. The monkeys were free to do and roam where ever they want to.

While in Lopburi we witness 2 people come to accept Christ, Jack and a grandma. God is so good and faithful! Please pray for these 2 new believers. Pray that it will be planted in good soil and that they will strengthen their relationship with Christ. Pray that God will send them mentors to help and guide them along.

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